“We can do no great things, just small things with great love. It’s not how much you do, but how much love you put into doing it.” –Mother Teresa
As I am nearing the end of my first full day at home, I have taken some time to reflect on the past month spent in Ethiopia. I struggle trying to find the right words to describe some of my experiences, as the past month has been an absolutely incredible and life-changing time for me. I feel as though I have seen and experienced God in brand new ways – in the city, through the team, as we were traveling, and in our everyday adventures.
A few highlights for me include our great quality time at the girls home. Seeing the girls’ faces light up as we baked, read books, talked and laughed made our weeks so much brighter! The language barrier certainly didn’t stop us from sharing lots of laughs and fun times together. On the last day there, the girls braided Katie’s hair and mine…and attempted to braid Susan’s. ;) What sweet, cuddly girls they are – and we certainly treasured the time we had with them. I’m so excited to know many of these girls have accepted Christ through their time at the Joy Home. The hugs and goodbyes were very difficult for me, but we promised to write each other and I look forward to keeping in touch with them as well.
Another memorable time for me was our lunches at the feeding center. It was quite a humbling experience to serve them, and know this meal might be their only food all day or week. It was so neat to recognize and talk with many of the people there.
Tears welled up in my eyes as I knew my time in Ethiopia had come to an end. I will never forget the smells, the sights, the people and the joy of Ethiopia. The experiences and friendships with the locals and the team have impacted my life in tremendous ways. I ask you to continue to be in prayer for the people of Ethiopia as well as for Katie, Joe and Josh as they are continuing their ministry in Ethiopia until August 18th. Victoria